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Our Approach?

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Volatility is a fundamental part of the investment process.

Invest with a long-term time horizon

Invest with a fundamental, value-based approach


Sophis Investments LLC

Sophis Investments LLC is a registered investment adviser providing discretionary and non-discretionary investment advisory services to clients.

We are a research-intensive, fundamental value investor in the public markets. We offer concentrated investment strategies that focus primarily on investing in a limited number of generally undervalued and special situation opportunities. We manage discretionary and customized, long/short multiple asset class portfolios, as well as our “Core Strategy”, a specialized long-only equity strategy we offer under our trade name Rational Investors.

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Our “Core Strategy”, offered under the trade name Rational Investors, invests in a limited number of long-equity positions, seeking to achieve long-term, double-digit returns over a market cycle while minimizing the risk of permanent loss of capital. Rational Investors invests primarily in two types of stocks–Generals & Special Situations–with an emphasis on Cloning, Cannibals and Spinoffs. More information is available at RationalInvestors.com.

Portfolios of our CORE STRATEGY are constructed within the following framework: