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    Bonnie Reich

    Bonnie ReichI started my career in the custom closet industry in 2001 and what started as a temporary shift in my design career became a fascination. Previously, I practiced architecture for 10 years, designing and detailing mostly commercial spaces. I worked on large projects, from bookstores to boutiques. I never really gave much thought to the storage spaces in a project. In architecture, the closets are residual; the leftovers spaces that remain after the primary rooms and site lines are laid out. In custom closet design, you have to find a way to make these leftovers the main course.

    Long before I went to architecture school at Virginia Tech, I was in juvenile furniture sales while I was a student at Brooklyn College. I loved sales, working with people; getting to know them and helping them make great selections. Custom closet design was a great fit for me because it brought my two strong skills together, sales and design.

    I am aware that my experience in architectural design informs the work we do at Symmetry Closets. I like to find the simple elegant solution to any space problem. I also know my experience in construction helps our customers. I have a knack for determining what is and isn't possible within your budget limits and guiding our customers through the entire process.

    I worked for several established custom closet companies. While I enjoyed working through the designs with customers the end result always fell short, mainly because I could not control the entire process. Once the design was done and paperwork signed I had to hand it off to someone else. Sometimes the customer was happy but other times they were disappointed in the way their project was implemented. I decided that if I was going to stay in the custom closet business I had to start a new kind of company and the result of that decision is Symmetry Closets. I wanted to start a company that put professional space planning first, paired with excellent customer service.

    Symmetry Closets began as a recommendation and referral based business. We are growing because we maintain strong relationships with our customers. We love working with interior designers, contractors and builders because we value relationships that put people first. I'm very proud of all the growth and changes we are experiencing and our continued commitment to providing the highest quality of service to our customers.